Dick Wood in Virginia
Dick Wood in Adirondack Mountains
Dick Wood at Cold River Cabin
Dailey's Trapper Supply House
Adirondack Dick Book Cover
E. J. Dailey Book Cover
Walter A. Gibbs Book Cover
Perfect Triump Book Cover
Arnold Unknown Bookcover
Hardware for Hitler
Scot H. Dahms
Visit North American Trap Collectors
North American Trap Collector's Association Museum
Adirondack Dick - Richard 'Dick' Woods
Walter A. Gibbs
E. J. Dailey
Copyright ©2019-25 - Scot H. Dahms
All Rights Reserved
Website by HawkMtn

Dick Wood in Virginia
Dick Wood in Adirondack Mountains
Dick Wood at Cold River Cabin
E.J. Dailey & Dick Woods
Dailey's Trapper Supply House
Trappers on Snowshoes - Duck Hole
Scot H. Dahms is the author of nonfiction books representing the early days of the trapping industry. He is also the author of numerous articles .
Visit North American Trap Collectors
Adirondack Dick - Richard 'Dick' Woods
E. J. Dailey
Walter A. Gibbs
All black and white photographs used in this webpage were taken by Richard K. "Dick" Wood.
Best Selling Biographical Author
Dick Wood in Virginia
Dick Wood in Adirondack Mountains
Dick Wood at Cold River Cabin
E.J. Dailey & Dick Woods
Dailey's Trapper Supply House
Trappers on Snowshoes - Duck Hole
Scot H. Dahms
About Scot
Scot H. Dahms is the author of nonfiction books representing the early days of the trapping industry. He is also the author of numerous articles published in some of America's top trapping magazines.

Available titles by Scot H. Dahms
Adirondack Dick - Richard 'Dick' Woods
E. J. Dailey
Walter A. Gibbs
Visit North American Trap Collectors
North American Trap Collector's Association Museum
Hardware for Hitler
Walter Arnold
Scot Dahms and Tom Miranda
The Master Trappers book can be purchased online at the link below.
Miranda, a television producer, host, author, trapper, and adventure bowhunter, was the pioneer of instructional trapping videos.

Scot Dahms and Tom Miranda
The Master Trappers book can be purchased online at the link below.
Miranda, a television producer, host, author, trapper, and adventure bowhunter, was the pioneer of instructional trapping videos.
Dahms Featured in New Tom Miranda Book
The Master Trappers book can be purchased online at the link below.

Miranda, a television producer, host, author, trapper, and adventure bowhunter, was the pioneer of instructional trapping videos.

Perfect Triumph
Perfect Triumph
Perfect Triumph
Tom Miranda purchasing copies of Arnold Unknown and Hardware for Hitler at Northeast NTA Convention at Neil Olson's in Maine.
Listen to Scot Dahms on The Wild Huntsman Podcast - "It's unpleasant to catch a skunk."
Listen to Scot Dahms on The Wild Huntsman Podcast - "It's unpleasant to catch a skunk."
Scot Dahms (right) with Tom Miranda.
Adirondack Dick Enterprises has been honored with a feature story in the new, widely acclaimed book by Tom Miranda entitled Master Trappers. Click the page image to read.
All black and white photographs used in this webpage were taken by Richard K. "Dick" Wood.
Arnold Unknown
Visit National Trappers
Visit National Trappers
Hardware for Hitler
Hardware for Hitler
Visit National Trappers